The Kantian Studies Group is a research unity that belongs to the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Buenos Aires. The aim of the group is to promote the investigation on Kantian philosophy. Its specific goals are: 1) to carry out projects and research programs, 2) to offer lectures and seminars, 3) to organize workshops and conferences, 4) to establish contact and academic cooperation with other research groups.

2013 Lectures

May 23 : Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College) 

Kant’s Religious Constructivism 


In the Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, the dynamics of progressive absorption of ecclesiastical faith into the religion of reason is remarkably similar to Kant’s description of moral progress in his essays on history. The unfolding of a rational/moral predisposition that we see displayed in the development of social institutions also shapes and elevates the empirical content of faith into the universal and necessary patterns of rational religion. As in the writings on history, we also find here a rich tension between moral revolution and institutional reform, rupture and continuity. I will analyze the model underlying both contexts, with an eye to detect whether in fact religion has an ineliminable role to play in the moral education of the humankind or is a mere vehicle, a transitional gender that will be ultimately absorbed in pure morality. 

15 hs. Room 452.

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