The Kantian Studies Group is a research unity that belongs to the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Buenos Aires. The aim of the group is to promote the investigation on Kantian philosophy. Its specific goals are: 1) to carry out projects and research programs, 2) to offer lectures and seminars, 3) to organize workshops and conferences, 4) to establish contact and academic cooperation with other research groups.


Alberto Pirni (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa)

La libertad del querer en perspectiva comunitaria
Freedom of the Will in Communitarian Perspective

The main purpose of this conference is to develop some arguments devoted to the “rehabilitation” of the concept of community and its structural relevance within Kantian thought. In order to show that relevance, the text concentrates on the eighth paragraph of the first chapter of the Analytic of Pure Practical Reason, a passage that might appear to exclude any reference to the communitarian dimension. Starting with an analysis of the concepts of Wille and Willkür, my paper firstly distinguishes the different meanings attributed to the freedom of the will (§ 1). Secondly, it distinguishes a positive from a negative dimension of that freedom, referred both to as Wille and Willkür (§ 2). Finally, the development of this aspect leads to a rethinking of the internal dynamics of the entire faculty of the will starting from a communitarian perspective (§ 3), by redefining as an a priori figure the relationship between singular subject and multiplicity of subjects, which Kant considered to operate already in the inner forum of every single being capable of reason.

OCTOBER  26. 15 – 17 hs. FFyL – UBA (Puan 480). Aula 108

2016 Lectures

OCTOBER 31.  La función heurística del uso especulativo de la razón como clave interpretativa de la Dialéctica trascendental

Prof. Pablo Moscón UBA – AGENCIA MINCYT 

Room 452  17 hs